I haven’t updated my "Before/after" page in a long time... So I thought maybe it’d be about time to do it !! Here’s a few pictures, some you’ve seen, some you haven’t. I also added a few pictures of my doggie since I’ve been talking about her so much !

This is my "Before" picture, I still have it on my fridge to remind me of what I was, and what I could very well be again.

The picture was taken in San Diego Zoo in the summer of 2002. It was during my honeymoon and though I was extremely happy with my new life, I sure wasn’t with my body.


This is my official "after" picture. I was bellydancing at the YMCA in Richmond District (San Francisco). I don’t dance anymore since I haven’t yet found a class that doesn’t cost a fortune in the Santa Rosa area.

I still had my long hair on that picture, I’m trying to get back to it !

I often mention the fact that I got too thin at some point in the process. As you can see by looking at my skinny arm, I really did and would have kept loosing weight, but I had a "Wait a minute" moment and decided to stop going crazy about this.

Now the tricky part is not to go the opposite direction ! ;op

This is me with my doggie ! Her name is Grace and she’s the sweetest (and stubbornest) of all puppies ! She’s now 7 months and bigger than on those pictures, but still looks the same !

This is Grace again with my husband. Aren’t they cute together ? He says he’s not a "dog person" Yeah right !

This is Grace and me again... We bonded so fast, she’s my baby and follows me everywhere !

Some people thinks I'm nuts, other think I'm anorexic (god know I wouldn't be able to do that.. no food... AAAAAAAAHHHHHH) other snicker and laugh because I'm with Weight watchers.. I don't give a damn.. I haven't felt this good and this alive in YEARS... and now it’s so much part of my life that the very idea of going back to what I was doing before is not even an option.

This is not to say I don’t struggle anymore, but now it’s just a matter of reminding myself how far I have come, not how far I have to go. So laugh at me.. mock me.. whatever.. I know what I am, what I’ve done, and I’m proud of it !
